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You can purchase our programs through our "Book Now" scheduling page or via our shop. All energetic healing immersions, 1:1 and group programs, and ceremonies have an 8-month expiry date.

After booking, you will receive a confirmation email. Each session includes a follow-up coaching container with Lisa, your energy healing practitioner, coach, and kinesiologist. Lisa will organise a WhatsApp or Telegram chat for guidance and support on energetic, emotional, mental, and spiritual levels, along with a custom program to help you integrate your sessions.

Our approach focuses on:

  • Balancing your energy, body, mind and spirit
  • Expanding your awareness and consciousness for a deep transformation
  • Healing deep wounds and traumatic emotional patterns
  • Reclaiming your self-worth, self-love, soul gifts, deep wisdom, presence, and clarity

We address your current internal work, bringing deep transformation and wholeness to your present moment.

Book Now: Click Here!