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Hey dreamer,

Your dreams, whether they pertain to life, work, business, or your physical well-being, are within reach. You have the power to choose your goal, and I am here to help you unlock it.

Embrace your authentic self and unleash your inner potential through the 'Be True To You' 1:1 Program, priced at $800 AUD for a transformative 4-week journey.

This program offers a 1-hour multidimensional mentorship and advanced energetic healing session, complemented by 4 weeks of therapy, coaching, mystical guidance, and a personalised integrative program.

It's time to architect your dreams.

Activate Your Truth and Embody your Divine Potential with a Multidimensional Approach guided by Lisa, your Oracle, Energy Healer & Alchemist.

Experience this..

  1. 1-Hour Multidimensional & Advanced Energy Healing + Mentorship Session: Embark on a mystical journey with Lisa, in a one-hour session that merges the realms of your body and soul. This immersive experience is designed to harmonise your inner and outer worlds, bringing your divine potential into the spotlight. Addressing the emotional, spiritual, physical, and mental dimensions of your being, this tailored session offers deep insights, expansive growth, and personalised healing.

  2. 4 Weeks of WhatsApp Coaching, Therapy & Energy Healing: Extend your transformative experience beyond the session with our comprehensive WhatsApp or Telegram coaching. This ongoing support system is more than a follow-up; it's an avenue for continuous engagement, offering personalised therapy, coaching, and answers to your queries over four weeks. This integral part of your journey ensures you have consistent support in your exploration and healing, fostering profound shifts in your soul and identity.

  3. Bonus Custom Program/Membership: Gain exclusive access to our bespoke program, crafted with precision to claify your individual needs and goals.This program equips you with essential tools and resources for personal and spiritual expansion. You'll also enjoy access to our signature membership, a library of resources and activations tailored to your unique journey.

Key Features:

  • Holistic Approach: We address every facet of your being for balanced and comprehensive growth.
  • Personalised Experience: Each element of our service is customized to align with your distinct path and objectives.
  • Exclusive Support: With our four-week WhatsApp/Telegram coaching and therapy, you are fully guided through this transformative journey.

Ideal For:

  • Visionaries, mentors, and leaders in pursuit of deep personal growth and self-awareness.
  • Healers and practitioners exploring multidimensional aspects of their lives.
  • Powerful & Intuitive beings seeking sustained energetic support and guidance.

Booking Policy:

Our packages are valid for 8 months from the date of purchase. We require a 48-hour notice for any changes or cancellations to appointments, in line with our booking policy.

Contact Us:

Email Lisa to discuss your unique goals at info@soulcentredkinesiology.com.au or via WhatsApp.

Limited-Time Offer:

Book your session and 4-week transformation before this exclusive offer ends.

Embark on Your Journey:

Join us at Soul Centred Kinesiology for a profound exploration of self and embark on a path of deep understanding and discovery.

What's in the program

4 Weeks of Personalised Coaching and Therapy

A curated transformative four-week journey guided by Lisa, an holistic therapist and master coach celebrated for her compassion, love, and open-hearted approach. This personalised coaching is carefully designed to assist you in reaching your goals, expanding your healing process, and catalysing profound shifts in consciousness across various aspects of your life, personal brand, and self-embodiment.

1-Hour Multidimensional Healing Session

Experience the magic of the real - the realms of consciousness, unlocking your heart's vision. Whether your focus is health, life, relationships, or business, Lisa's expertise in identifying root causes and unlocking potentialities within the quantum realm is transformative. This session isn't just a meeting; it's a sacred ceremony, inviting you into the essence of your infinite intelligence and divine potential.

Custom Video Activation Program

Dive deep into a treasure trove of digital resources dedicated to holistic healing, expanding emotional consciousness, and rebalancing your emotions. This extensive library includes hundreds of supplementary materials. Furthermore, Lisa will craft a personalised activation program tailored to your unique goals, providing you with a profoundly personalised experience to enhance and support your journey.

Exclusive Community Access & Support

Join our vibrant and growing community network. This exclusive invitation opens doors to a world of opportunities, special offers, and resources. Engage with potent tips, activations, and ongoing support through our dynamic online community, enhancing your journey with wisdom and connection.