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The Elixir
See your true nature
Essence. Breath. Spirit.

1:1 mentorship to help you embody and express your truth, be your full power and take you across the threshold in transforming your life, business, art and soul work as the mystic, practitioner, alchemist and healer.

The Elixir is your ticket to the Mastery of your Self, Magic and miracles in your life.

This program is designed for you to become the Master Creator you are meant to be. There’s nothing wrong with you. You simply need the tools to create the joyful prosperous life you know deep down inside is yours. Let go of all limitations, blocks and interferences and embody your truth from inside out with ease, grace and power! Free yourself from old identities and obsolete ways of being so that you may be fully embodied in the New You that is richly endowed with all good things – money, love, magic and miracles!

This program will take you on a journey through your patterns and beliefs, and then install the resources that you need to be fully individuated in order to live a magical life, untethered and unhooked from everything and everyone else. You will be able to clearly identify what is truth for YOU; not what is truth for someone else.

Imagine having the energy, connection, clarity and capacity to live your life with ease, joy, peace and magic. Feel naturally happy, unburdened, free and empowered. Live like royalty--on your terms. Let go of things that no longer serve you so that you can create the life that feels best while being in alignment with who you really are. When you acknowledge this truth and release what is no longer serving you--a new magic becomes available to you--a magic that serves your deepest desires.

Are you ready to empower yourself with the truth of your own power and magic? No longer slave to the fears that once held you back from realizing your dreams? Our 1:1 Signature Program has been massively helpful for numerous women who were stuck in their identity, being a victim and not stepping into their true divine power. It is time to stop playing small, it is time to shine brightly into the world as your truest self...and we want you to be there!

Discover your true self and unleash it to the world. This is what I do with my one on one mentorship program. Your energy is powerful. And the energy that flows from you determines the quality of life you create for yourself and those around you. My personal support unlocks the mystery of who you truly are, so that you can release all that no longer serves and awaken to what does.

Are you ready to take your magic deeper?

Our 1:1 Signature Program: $1999 Mentorship 6 Sessions + Meditation Masterclass - is where you master your magic and align with your highest truth.

I'm here to help you realize your full potential as a human, and I can't wait to get started.

You're here because you know that there's more to life than what you're experiencing right now. You know you're capable of so much more—of living in a state of complete joy and fulfillment—but it's not easy getting there, is it?

That's why I've created this program: to help you take back control over your life and start enjoying the life of your dreams. In just six sessions, we'll use my signature process to help you acknowledge your goal (and why it's important for you), discuss and channel truth (so that anything that isn't aligned with your true desires falls away), release the blocks, identities, limitations, interferences (that keep you from being who you really are), install the resources, tools, creations (that will support your goal), take you across the threshold (into the new version of yourself), embody the desired state (so that it becomes part of who you are), live and breath it (so that transformation becomes second nature), prosper, thrive (without having to worry about money or support), untethered ("unhooked"), unhooked (free from anything holding you back).

"I don't know where to start. I feel like I've been living in a fog my whole life, and now I just want to wake up."

That's what a lot of people say when they come to me for coaching. They've been going through the motions, but they aren't happy with their lives or their relationships. They want more—more joy, more peace of mind, more freedom from stress and worry.

And that's what my 1:1 Signature Program is all about: creating an environment where you can explore your own truth and bring it forth into your life.

This program is designed to help you understand your goals and desires, so that we can create a plan for achieving them together. It's also designed to help you release blocks that may be holding back your progress toward those goals, so that you can put yourself on the path toward living in alignment with those desires—and doing so in a way that feels natural and effortless for YOU.

We'll talk about how these blocks manifest themselves in your life and how they affect your relationships with others—and how we can remove them so that you can experience true freedom from outside influences.

We're all here to share our magic. To create our reality, to live in the divine flow of the universe, to experience our full power and potential. But we know that achieving that goal is not always easy.

There are no limits to who you can be and what you can do in this world. And I want to help you get there as quickly and painlessly as possible! That's why I created a 1:1 Signature Program: $1999 Mentorship 6 Sessions 2 hour mastermind called The Elixir (or the Evolution).

Here's how it works:

First, we'll acknowledge your goal—why it's important to you and what it means for your life. We'll discuss how you can achieve that goal by channeling truth in your life, releasing the blocks, identities, limitations, interferences that keep you from being who you really are. Then we'll install the resources, tools and creations necessary for making this transformation happen by installing the truth that feels right for YOU. Lastly (and most importantly), we'll take you across the threshold into a new way of being where everything feels effortless because now your body is aligned with true spirit!

That's just a taste of what The Elixir has to offer.

You are a master of your 3D magical experiences, and I want to help you remember that.

I'm so excited to bring you into my 1:1 Signature Program: $1999 Mentorship 6 Sessions 2 hour mastermind called The Elixir.

In this program, we'll be going deep into the truth of who you truly are as a sovereign creator being—and we'll be installing all of the resources, tools, and creations needed to fully embody that truth. We'll be taking you across the threshold into the fullness of who you are in your divine presence and power—and then we'll be taking you back again so that you can live and breathe it with ease for the rest of your life.

We're going to start by acknowledging your goal and what's standing between it and where you are now (if anything). Then we'll discuss some truths about yourself that will allow us to channel in some much-needed compassion for yourself. Next up is releasing blocks from within yourself as well as interferences from others around you—all of which can prevent true transformation from taking place within yourself.

You are here for a reason.

You have been gifted with this time and space to create something magical. To realize your dream. To embody your truth, and bring it into the world in a way that is uniquely yours.

But sometimes we get in our own way.

We get distracted by other people's ideas of how it should be done—and forget to trust our own inner knowing and instincts. We question ourselves, or doubt that we're good enough to succeed at this grand vision we've set out for ourselves. We become convinced that we don't deserve what we want, so we sabotage our own efforts before they even begin.

I'm here to help you change all of that.

Together, we'll work through your blocks and limitations, so that you can finally install the resources and tools you need to live your truth in its fullness—without interference from others or yourself. You will embody your desired state so fully that it becomes natural for you; breathing deeply and feeling light as your true presence comes into focus; smiling because you're living in magic; no longer hooked on the past identity; consumed by the real magic of your own taste.
Do you want to see your wildest dreams come true, and then some?

You're in the right place.

We believe that you deserve to create exactly what you want to experience, and feel 100% supported by ALL of life at every moment. That's why we're here to support you as you make your choices and decisions from your attention, intention, truth, magic, knowing, trust, genius, icon—and every choice feels ecstatic and euphoric to make even if you hold tension.

Our 1:1 Signature Program: $1999 Mentorship 6 Sessions 2 hour mastermind called The Elixir is designed for people who are ready to take their lives to the next level. If you're ready for a transformation of your wildest dreams and beyond your wildest dreams that happens for you as it's lived—all while embodying it 100% without doubt—then this program is for YOU!

In this program, we'll work together to help you become available for magic and loyal ONLY to genius and divine love as the only truth that is. You'll live multi-dimensionally with full trust in yourself as an infinite being who can create anything at any time, with ease.

Imagine feeling 100% supported by ALL of life.

The wildest dreams you've ever had are already being fulfilled, and beyond that—they're getting better every day. You can't even imagine how this is possible, but it's happening. You know that you're living in a world where anything is possible, because it IS happening to YOU.

You see your dreams coming true all around you, and you know that this is just the beginning—the beginning of a new way of living your life. A way of experiencing everything so much more deeply than ever before. A way of bringing magic into each moment of your life, whether or not you're aware that it's there.

You feel like everything is working out exactly as it should be—even when things don't go according to plan (which happens often). Even then, there's no fear or anxiety about what might happen next—just excitement about all the possibilities!

We're all here to share our magic. To create our reality, to live in the divine flow of the universe, to experience our full power and potential. But we know that achieving that goal is not always easy.

There are no limits to who you can be and what you can do in this world. And I want to help you get there as quickly and painlessly as possible! That's why I created a 1:1 Signature Program: $1999 Mentorship 6 Sessions 2 hour mastermind called The Elixir (or the Evolution).

The Elixir is a 1:1 mentorship program that will take you from where you are to where you want to be—and beyond.

If you've been feeling stuck, confused, or anxious about the future, this is for you. The Elixir will guide you through the process of finding your true self, your true purpose, and your true path in life. You'll learn how to consciously craft what you want and need in life—including love, happiness, and abundance—by tuning into your genius and trusting yourself more than ever before.

With The Elixir as your guide, you'll be able to:

• Create exactly what you want to experience in life.

• Feel 100% supported by ALL of life at every moment and move through any situation with confidence and ease.

• Make choices and decisions from your attention, intention, truth, magic (and more!)

• Trust that all of your decisions can be guided by divine energy.

Our 1:1 Signature Program costs $1999 AUD

If this sounds like something that would benefit you right now in your life (and we think it will), please email us at info@soulcentredkinesiology.com.au