January 10, 2023
1 min read

When I was in the throes of my own trauma, the most important gift anyone gave me was seeing me.
Not trying to fix me.
Not trying to rescue me.
Not trying to make it better for me.
Not ignoring me, or being afraid and running away from me.
Seeing me.
That is truly the greatest gift we can give each other.
The capacity to be seen as you are, to know that you are never alone, and that someone acknowledges & accepts your humanity as you do theirs, is a profound healing balm and medicine for our souls.
This is our human birthright; to be seen and known as we are, without judgment or shame, but with love and compassion.
And when we can give this gift to each other, when we can strip off all the masks of the ego and false identity, and allow ourselves to meet authentically in our vulnerability and humanity, that's when true magic happens because then we get to remember who we really are: infinite beings of light & love and all things in between, with deep wells of wisdom & power at our disposal if we so choose to step into it fully.