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July 25, 2022 2 min read

10 Days to go!!!


The Soul Centred Kinesiology Experience presents…




Who is divine alchemy for? 

For the Soulpreneur and mystic who wants to deepen their spiritual connection and attain liberation of the soul. 


For the spiritual lover who desires to embody their soul work as their lifestyle and want to unlock their gifts, talents and creativity to create a legacy and make a difference in the lives of others. 


For the mystical coach and healer who wants to unlock their own blueprint, medicine and channeling abilities. 


For the priestess and yogini who wants to awaken their sexual health to an advanced level and harness the powers and wisdom of their body to support others in healing. 


For the coach, healer and medicine person who has studied all the modalities that they love and want to create their own unique mode, message and craft that is one of a kind and from soul. 


For the soul seeker who has completed their seeking and ready to play in the infinite cosmic web of all possibilities to discover their unique code. The code they are here to transmit that only they can transmit. The puzzle piece that is you. 


By embodying your medicine, you begin to live spiritually, financially and emotionally free. You appreciate your divine body as a vessel for your soul work and message and you have all the spaciousness and timelessness to care and love the things that truly matter and to dissolve what doesn’t. 


You will release dense feelings, heal your nervous system, brain function and neurological body to attain balance, wholeness and oneness.


Divine Alchemy Program will open 5th of August.

Enrolment now open for the soul that already knows: https://soulcentredkinesiology.com/pages/divine-alchemy­


#soul #divinealchemy #program #healing #kinesiology #balance #life #trauma #love #goddess

Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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