Divine Alchemy Session 1 - Kidney Meridian & Transmission
Your divine source code, your unique frequency and creator mode is the powerful force that will alchemise energy upon your command and ownership allowing you to create a magical life expression from soul. Honour your truth. Live in heaven on earth. Notice the highest plane of love exists here and now and allow that energy to direct and lead you to the next moment. Movement and rhythm with your soul and body is the code to build the legacy your here for and to deepen your confidence in yourself. The more you move from your body’s wisdom, the more awareness and grounding you unlock for yourself. Say yes to your source code. Say yes to living from your power source. Say yes to follow your heart and bliss. Say yes to trusting yourself to claim it and live it.
Purchase the program here: https://soulcentredportal.mn.co/plans/207379