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September 01, 2022 1 min read

Feeling at home in your body is the foundation of a successful and fulfilling life. 


The Weightless Program brings awareness to the relationship with your physical body, movement and food. 


Through this process, you will learn to feel at home in your body, spirit and life by becoming more present and aware of your energetics of eating, movement, relationships, career and lifestyle.


When you are at home in yourself, you can live your purpose with direction, guidance and limitless energy. 


You will be able to enjoy living in alignment with your values while feeling rooted and at peace.


Sacred Journeys 1:1: https://soulcentredkinesiology.com/pages/book-now
To enrol to our weightless support program: https://soulcentredkinesiology.com/pages/weightless

To book 1:1 weightless coaching: https://soulcentredkinesiology.com/pages/book-now

#selfmastery #cosmicconsciousness #infiniteself #highenergetics #soulmastery


Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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