March 16, 2022
31 min read
What are energetic codes and downloads?
Although downloads are a form of energetic transmission, they do have a few different qualities and approaches to them. The true definition of an energetic download is a “small tap” on our subconscious mind where something new is imprinted into our memory.
Downloads are not meant to be affirmations rather a powerful language that assists us in shifting our energy frequency to open up more understanding of our purpose and to find more joy within ourselves.
We are interconnected with the creator when we bring forth our true potential allowing us to access divine wisdom and light that lie dormant within each of our cells.
Energetic downloads are just that, downloads of information and light into your being. Your soul remembers everything it has ever known and with that knowledge, you can tap into an amazing amount of power through these Goddess Codes.
Let's begin: Say yes as you read each download to receive this Goddess transmission.
I know how to get to know my inner wise medicine woman and priestess.
I know how to know the truth.
I am the seer. I understand the Creators definition and perspective of the Seer archetypal energy and wisdom.
I know how to see life in all of its glory.
I know how to feel strong and master the assertive drive within.
I speak wise words.
My life is beautiful.
My journey is supported.
I know how to create and purify my goddess self.
I know how to discover my magic and unleash the superpowers within with ease.
I know how to embody the Goddess in all her facets - that is, the girl, the virgin, the maiden, the mother and the wise woman.
I know how to embody all of myself.
I am innocent and powerful.
I am beautiful, gentle and assertive.
I am sensual and magical.
I master life with propriety and wisdom.
I am the queen of my destiny. I know how to build my queendom.
I know myself as sacred.
I know how to access and strike the tone of my true self.
I know how to sing in harmony and tone.
I am harmonious and I feel harmony.
I sing harmoniously.
I love the sound of my soul.
I know how to sound like myself.
I let go of the voice of the superego (others energy in my earlier life).
I know how to voice myself from the sovereign self.
I know how to connect to the divine Goddess from the truth.
I know how to feel alive, present and connected to life.
I know how to seek love and bliss, see the truth and expect miracles.
I know how to express my core power.
I know how to express my true power.
I know how to live without low confidence.
I know how to connect to the core power of my goddess self.
I am the master of my power.
I strengthen my core power and enliven the Goddess.
I connect to the core power of my goddess self.
I realign to my truth.
I know how to let go of being overweight; I shift into my goddess body. I evolve easily.
I connect to my goddess core power.
I feel and embody my goddess power.
I reclaim my goddess self.
I am my goddess self.
My goddess self inspires me.
I know how to be my goddess song self.
I allow my Goddess to exist.
I embody my divine feminine qualities with ease.
I get into the rhythm of a woman.
I am beautiful as a frequency and not a commodity.
I invoke sacredness and pleasure.
I awaken the Goddess and allow more of her to manifest within me more often.
I recognise my feminine qualities and I embody them.
I continuously expand into my magnificence.
I slow down.
I let go of masculine striving and move into the dancing rhythm of the divine woman.
I allow the beauty in as frequency as opposed to a commodity.
I know how to awaken the inner Goddess and allow more of her to manifest within me.
I know how to recognise the feminine qualities that I already embody.
I know how to slow down and move out of masculine striving. I have discernment in balancing masculine and feminine energy.
I know how to move and dance rhythmically.
I know how to create and allow the space for beauty as a frequency instead of a commodity.
I know how to feel safe in indulging my goddess self and invoking sacredness and pleasure into all areas of life.
I know how to allow my goddess self to exist more.
I know how to understand my sacred feminine, which means different things for different women. I know that my godly femininity cannot be defined or contained.
I know how to evolve as the Goddess evolves.
I know how to feel enlightened.
I know how to feel the rhythm of the divine feminine within me.
I know how to relax out of being over masculine.
I know how to live without having to fix everything, over-controlling, dominating, doing things independently, not allowing support and being aggressive to achieve.
I know how to transmute the linear masculine sense of time.
I know how to live without striving, doing, being action and goal orientated.
I know how to rewrite every trauma in my past and see it from a place of growth.
I reimagine my life in the past, all from a place of empowerment.
I know how to reconstruct my past with new content. I revise the scenes to conform to the ideal.
I know how to radiate lightheartedness, confidence, vitality, truth and positivity.
I know how to live without replaying the past.
I reconstruct the content in the unconscious mind.
I rewrite my past; I rewrite the meaning of my past.
I flow with ease and I let go of gripping on.
I work optimally.
I know how to work and create results in the day.
I am optimal in how I receive money.
I know how to leverage my gifts and let go of the masculine overdoing.
I let go of busy.
I let go of failure.
I create successfully.
I visualise the transmission of my dreams.
I navigate with lightheartedness.
I am flowing, relaxing, faithful and confident in my results.
My attention is on what matters most.
I let go of rigidity.
I create results with ease.
I am faithful.
I love the entire creation process and the spaces and times in between.
I love being on time and living without rushing, and having an urgency.
I let go of linear time, and I let go of the urgency.
I create transmissions and healing vibrations with ease and love.
I am creating work that lights me up with ease, joy and on my timeline.
I know how to love the creation of my soul work.
I allow others to appreciate my creations made by love.
I love the entire journey of creation.
I have passion and desire for channelling love and healing.
I am passionate, and I utilise my space wisely.
I know how to complete projects with ease.
I know how to focus.
I know how to create with ease.
I love.
I know how to love the transmission and expression of my truth.
I know how to love my days.
I know how to do things that I love with faith towards the vision.
I know how to bring forth more abundance, prosperity, joy and fun.
I know how to live without looking down upon myself. I know how to live without bringing negativity into my reality.
I know how to live without looking down on my trigger.
I see the positive in others.
I know how to live without the habit and conditioning of reacting; I live peacefully in responding through the creators definition and perspective.
I know how to live without feeling disrespected.
I respect myself.
I know how to respect myself.
I am empowered.
My inner world of serenity programs me.
I progress on this journey with ease and presence.
I create precisely from joy, bliss, ease and love. I can help others do the same, which can be the gift of meaning and purpose of life.
I understand the law of the Universe.
I understand imagination.
I understand the power of presence.
I know how to slow down my breath and invoke masculine energy relaxing.
I know how to trust my choice in slowing down my nervous system and masculine energy.
I know how to honour my nervous system with nurture and nourishment of the soul.
I know how to live without the fear of energy and nothingness / the void.
I am the highest expression of infinity.
I know how to get out of my comfort zone.
I know how to feel safe, and I know how to live without feeling overexposed in relationships.
I know how to master energetic boundaries. I feel safe in creating boundaries to honour my true needs.
I know how to stand in the right boundary with me. I know how to communicate and feel accepted when being seen.
I know how to hold my frequency and live without disassociating in social environments.
I know how to orient myself with hyperconsciousness. I trust in my capability to create my dream life honouring the true nature of life and existence.
I easily attract my dream life, soul mate clients, working less and receiving wealth and abundance with ease.
I have discernment on the diamond vibration within me.
I magnetise wealth and abundance of fullness and wholeness with every breath I take.
I speak only pure words. I have discernment on how to speak cons
I do on to others as I wish on to me.
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself.
I forgive myself.
I know how to allow my unconscious to bring forth reality.
I take a significant break from social media and focus on art and creation.
People will call if they need me.
I am creating my dream and focusing my life on wellness and wealth.
I am indestructible.
I am the diamond.
I am creating my diamond art, diamond light, diamond mind, diamond breath, Diamond consciousness and diamond medicine.
I allow my impulse and desire to be blessed by the flow state.
I create with ease and precise codes from my inner genius.
I flow with ease from the wise goddess perspective.
I give myself permission to grow and rest. I am brave to transcend ego consciousness with balance, reverence and compassion.
I know how to live without doubt, indecision and fear. I let go, and I am one with all that is.
I bring forth my truth and creations. I am capable and masterful in animating the pure potentiality within me.
I know how to treat myself as my best friend. I know how to create happiness within myself. I am complete within.
I know how to complete myself from within.
I am my own best friend.
I find all the completion within.
I know how to trust myself truly.
I believe in myself. I know thy self.
I am powerful.
I am using my power for good.
I am a master of passion, truth and wellbeing.
I know how to master my voice of truth, wellbeing and love.
I know how to mentor.
I know how to coach with ease.
I know how to attract and nurture friendships that nourish my soul.
I know how to create my ideal relationship.
I know how to create the most extraordinary and romantic relationship with the Creator of everything.
I know how to connect with my soul and actual being.
I know how to discover, practice and master my personal style, taste, art texture, feel, soul song and music.
I know how to reconnect with my soul music.
I am one with the source of life and I am deeply connected to the earths soil that I come from.
I love my spiritual journey.
I love God.
I love how to create from God for God.
I know how to create art. I am one with the vibration of pure art and poetry.
I am the artist and visionary of my life.
I know how to live in a world of love and freedom. Pure love. Perfect truth. God energy (infinite love) everywhere. I know how to be immersed in God. I know how to live my ultimate life of love. God, I devote my life and heart to you. Thank you.
I know how to respect and value the infinite.
I know how to let go the need to comprehend.
I unite my life to the infinite.
I know how to understand the mystical artistry of the Creator.
I know how to understand the infinite and release over identification / attachment /grip with the finite world. I know how to be brave to live my life now.
I know how to connect and live as a soul. I know how to allow my soul light and pure white light to clear and cleanse my organs and relationships.
I allow my body to be the instrument for source light. I am one with universal consciousness.
I express myself with ease and joy.
I know how to live without hardship.
I am skilled and masterful in innovating my life work with ease.
I am a genius.
I know how to bring forth my art and music, my soul song, into this world and express my connection with God to the world.
I am romantic and I attract true romance.
I am romantic.
I am hopeful.
I am faithful.
I love life.
I give myself to my whole essence.
I channel with ease, and I am present.
I live here and now.
I connect with my heart and soul.
I am the artist and Creator of my domain.
I live my life fully expressed in the art of music, magic, awe and beauty.
My life is a living, breathing God of art.
My life is art.
My world is God.
I am one with pure love.
Love is who I am and what I do.
I create soul music as my life expression.
I know how to master my craft.
I master my craft.
I know how to open my will, heart and mind to God and all that is.
God is all there is; I open my heart to God.
I open my heart to life.
I am ready to shine and see life shine.
Life shines.
The world shines.
I perceive and see reality as blessed and complete.
I love the earth; I love my past; I love humans; I love art; I love music; I love joy.
I love inspiration.
I love joy and blessings.
I am the Goddess. I see all that is as god sees.
I love the rain.
I love my life.
I love all seasons.
I love sunshine.
I love the rays of life.
I love the heart of others & life.
I follow my heart.
I create art that opens the heart, will and mind for God.
I love sunsets.
I love shelter.
I love the champions.
I love the soulful.
I know how to live without my soul hurting.
I know how to live without denying my inner child.
I love to live my life as flow, as joy and as now. I trust I can live in the here and now.
I organise my life as the new unfoldment of the pure joy of the now.
I know how to trust my true authentic self in the practice of learning new skills.
I know how to learn the skills that will assist me in self mastery.
I know how to master my soul freedom.
I free my soul from the illusion of the external.
I know how to love my soul to freedom.
I connect my life and will to the divine will. The Creator takes care of it. I am the creator.
I know how to live without forgetting my divinity.
I know how to live without forgetting God.
I remember God.
I awaken God in all of me.
I give my life to God.
I know how to live without chasing.
I know how to be at one with my divine self.
I know how to be one.
I know how to connect with my deep sorrow and feel love from the depth of how much I care.
I know how to feel how much I care and find freedom in these feelings.
I know how to connect to my truth, and I do.
I dance with my feminine energy. I connect and tune with my cycles. I know how to love madness and chaos with ease.
I know how to dance with life.
I am intuitive.
I know how to be in tune with the time to plant, work, grow, rest, be patient, and harvest.
I know how to create my own medicine by being me.
I know how to live without selling my soul for fame, prestige, glamour and egoic attachments.
I am abundant.
I am free.
I connect with my inner temple.
I know how to transcend, transmute and alchemise the darkness into light.
I know how to birth new projects and when to bring things to an end.
I know how to take the necessary time for my projects to be complete with ease and love.
I know how to birth my projects into life with ease and the correct divine timing.
I understand the qualities of the female rhythm.
I understand how to express tenderness, grace, communication, being wise with intuition and instincts.
I know how to welcome support and take action.
I know how to be inspired.
I understand how to align my thinking to abundance,
I understand that life flows with me.
I know that life is on my side.
I know how to listen to the guidance given from the inside out.
I know how to surrender myself to you, the Creator.
I know how to create and sing songs of healing, art and love.
I know how to sing soul songs with ease and love.
I know how to love my creation into being and birth.
I know how to create with ease.
I let go quickly.
I let go of my past.
I am free.
I am free.
I am free.
I know how to connect with the Creator of all that is.
I know how to breathe and feel my body aligning to the dancing feminine energy within me.
I know how to seek, and I find,
I know how to dance with my inner feminine energy inside of me.
I know how to do less and be more.
I know how to evolve and live a more relaxed relationship with myself.
I transform as the Goddess every day.
I know how to feel my emotions, every high and low precisely without bypassing or self medicating. I nurture my emotions with responding to my needs with care, love and attention.
I know how to connect with the new rhythm of time, my divine feminine cycle and my divine work needs.
I know how to disconnect and unwind from social media addiction and chronic external reflection.
I know how to connect to the cycles of seasons, the moon and the sun. I know how to flow with nature.
I know how to live without overwhelm, stress and constant things to do
I know how to live without exhaustion on all levels.
I know how to connect to my ancient roots.
I know how to reignite my ancient self.
I know how to reunite with the source and root of being.
I flow with the rhythm of nature.
I know how to live without keeping up with the demands of trying to do more to have more.
I let go of the collective illusion of time.
I let go of facing and racing against the clock.
I connect with my authentic rhythm.
I know how to connect to the darkness and the light and see God as duality and non-duality. I understand how to connect to ultimate reality through presence and knowing who I am without thought.
I am in touch with natures cycles.
I am in touch with rhythm and dance.
I am in touch with my tribal self.
I am in touch with my native self.
I am in touch with my joyful self.
I am the God within.
Here I am; I breathe her into alignment and power.
I am one with authentic rhythm.
I know how to transcend time and feel timeless. I know how to live my daily life simpler, slower, tuned into the flow of my goddess self.
I know how to feel there is plenty of time, and I know how to honour my time.
I know how to be in alignment with the yin & yang rhythm that exists within me.
I know how to feel there is plenty of time, and I know how to honour my time. I know how to be in alignment with the yin & yang rhythm that exists within me.
I know how to be in tune with the sacredness of what I am doing & who / what I am being.
I know how to see beauty radiate from every moment of life.
I breathe in the perfume of life and nature.
I know how to connect to the subtle fragrances of life.
I know how to feel the sun on my skin.
I know how to connect to the Goddess within.
I feel beauty, sacredness and pleasure available in every single moment.
I slow down and notice heaven radiating around me.
I know how to feel heaven radiating around me.
I know how to be at one with the feminine self that calls me to rest or be silent.
I know how to honour my feminine self.
I know how to rest my masculine voice.
I know how to use my talents of creativity to make things happen.
I know how to be a human being.
I know how to allow the Universe to support me as I conceive my ideas, nourish my talents and births creative projects.
I know how to operate in rhythms.
I know how to be happy and prosperous.
I know how to expand my true self.
I know how to be myself.
I know how to create more space in my life.
I know how to feel beautiful and sexy.
I know how to enjoy all of life.
I know how to master kindness, grace and touch. I know how to radiate exquisite presence.
I know how to let go of all identities; I let all of them go, I completely strip myself bare and my identity. I let go, go within, and emerge from the chrysalis.
I know how to live without forgetting my home, roots, and star.
I know how to live without being attached to having to be beautiful.
I am beautiful.
I tune into & embody the frequency of beauty.
I know how to allow beauty to activate love in my heart.
I know how to allow my superpowers online. I can feel, smell, hear, taste and know beauty.
I know how to express words that activate tears of transcendence, wisdom, resonance, non-identity, remembrance, wholeness, truth and love.
I know how to feel beautiful.
I know how to beautify my life and home.
I know how to beautify myself, mind, body and soul.
I know how to acknowledge my abilities to create beauty.
I know how to live without the drama of toxic body shame.
I know how to live without disliking my body.
I know how to love my body.
I know how to invoke the frequency of beauty.
I feel secure and confident; I am beautiful.
I know how to be one with my inner beauty, and I know how to radiate my beauty.
I know how to take ownership of my beauty.
I know how to live by beauty.
I know how to feel beautiful as a divine ritual.
I care about my beauty and move in reverence to myself.
I know how to tribute to my inner radiance.
I tend to my beauty; I express the divine within me.
"Beauty and seduction are nature's tools for survival, for we protect
what we fall in love with."
Louis Schwartzberg
I know how to feel the delight.
I celebrate myself.
I know how to live without masking my authentic self as not beautiful enough,
I know how to initate beautiful my dialogue with me.
I know how to be magnetised by my eyes.
I am in awe of myself.
I know how to dress to accentuate the beauty that is me.
I know how to love myself.
I know how to master the art of self-love.
I am a natural goddess.
I know how to turn my beauty regime into a sacred ritual.
I know how to invoke sacred pleasure.
I know how to read into my feminine energy.
I know how to melt into beauty.
I know how to see life as sacred.
I know how to find divinity in all things.
I know how to experience the sacred all the time.
I am a sacred woman.
I know how to find joy, bliss and laughter in everything.
I know what sacredness means to me.
I know how to pour new energy into my heart.
I know how to feel my body temple and use my energy to feel alive.
I know how to enjoy more of life.
I know how to feel expansive in my aura and emit love from my cells.
I know how to fuel and enjoy life with the spark of energy that motivates me to say YES.
I am creative and inspired to act on the projects that excite me.
I know how to feel clear and feel one with my body. I feel free in my life.
The more life force available to me, the easier it is to transmit my soul urges onto the screen of life.
I know how to allow and create change in my reality.
I know how to master the art of stating no to anything that isn't my divine taste and standard.
I honour my taste and royal no.
I know how to live without a cluttered body with opposing beliefs.
I let go of the pain and ego illusion of hurt, defences, confusion, self-doubt, karmic baggage and collective consciousness drama / conflict.
I let go of contracts with ease.
I know how to live without feeling caged, trapped in my body and life.
I know how to live without believing my body is a prison or burden, inhibiting the freedom of my spirit to exist.
I know how to recognise my body as a divine portal.
I know how to allow my body to express itself as a divine portal.
I know how to recognise the vehicle of my soul.
I am the spark of creation. My body is the gateway to bring heaven down to earth with ease.
I know how to feel heaven on earth and flourish this feeling daily.
I know how to feel in touch with all my senses and awaken more joy of physical reality.
I realise my sensuality. I know how to dance, sing, cry, love, lead and teach as I exist in my physical body.
I know how to feel my body as my sanctuary, my earthly home for my cosmic soul.
I know how to explore my magical body temple.
I know how to connect to my body and allow energetic awakenings to occur.
I know how to connect and be at one with the divine portal of infinite abundance.
I know how to acknowledge that I am a divine portal of infinite abundance.
I know how to connect and be at one with my true nature of reality as my actual authentic being.
I know how to live without lack and insecurities.
I know how to live without the illusions of fear, loneliness, disappointments and compensations.
I know how to use adversities to my advantage without needing adversities to learn.
I learn from love, by love with love.
I know how to feel and accept my actual being, heart, and relaxation.
I now expand quickly into the divine plan of my life, where all conditions are perfect.
I now move forward into my expanded good divinely directed and lavishly prospered.
God is so good, life is so wonderful, and I am so richly blessed.
Today and every day, I expect the best.
Beautiful things are happening to me now.
Everything I do turns into good for myself and others.
No person, thing or event can keep from me what the Universe has for me now.
All that has been done against me, now helps me.
I grow along with my good. I flow along with my interest.
The work of my hands and the plans of my life are now moving quickly toward a sure and perfect fulfilment.
I anticipate the good.
In God's right action, I now place my full trust. This is a time of divine completion.
I now harvest my good as miracles follow miracles, and wonders never cease.
With expectant faith, I am optimistic and confident.
I know how to expand into the truth that the abundant reality is within me and beyond you is love.
Love moves me out of the illusion that I am separate and into the ocean of life.
I allow myself to expand into infinite possibilities and solutions.
The full circle of reality takes place as I realise that I am no longer a separate being, but through love, I am one with all of creation.
I know how to feel the gratitude and awe of this miraculous knowing it is felt, as I embody the realisation of divine oneness and as I choose to express itself through me.
I know how to expressively be myself as a walking miracle and a unique expression of divinity.
I am completely precious.
I know how I can fall in love with both myself and life.
My authentic self expresses easily through love; I no longer search.
Instead, I allow myself to experience life in its full brilliance, a life that mirrors my truth.
I am a walking miracle. I breathe in and out, knowing this.
Every cell in my body connects to divine consciousness.
Each cell is a microcosm of the macro cosmos.
I am connected to everything.
Every cell of every tree, flower, person, rock, building and star also carries this divine blueprint.
I am an integral part of the whole, and this knowing grants me access to infinite wisdom and abundance.
I can recognise the divinity within all that is; it is easy to recognise the divinity in everything.
I know how to activate the connection to the universal body and transform all frequencies into gold that are stored in the following spaces of my sacred vessel:
Arms: The actions you are making in life/work.
Back: Upper-back is burdened with responsibility.
The middle back is emotional support issues.
The lower back is financial issues.
Neck: Controlling life or being dominated or feeling under pressure.
Head: Tension, living in the head and not in the body.
Breasts: Over/under nurturing.
Stomach: Sensitivities, intuition, gut feelings that you are not acting
Reproductive organs: The deepest part of a
woman's femininity, this is the second
female heart relates to relationship to self self-love issues.
Hips: In which direction are you choosing to walk?
Legs: Walking forward easily or stuck in situations.
Feet: Issues about being grounded or the ability to live in the present.
Right Side of the body: Man/male/masculinity issues.
Left Side of the body: Woman/female/femininity issues.
Heart: Giving/receiving love.
Lungs: Grief, sadness, loneliness, joy.
Digestive system: Assimilating life, rejections, unworthiness, holding
on, letting go.
Pancreas: Defeat issues and abundance issues.
Liver: Anger, resentment issues.
I am true to my word and I love taking action in what I value.
I know who I am without carrying around the energy of disappointment and regret.
I know how to dissolve all 'I should have' and 'I could have' or 'I will do it tomorrow.
Communing with the Creator (your innermost self) Codes & Downloads:
Dear Creator,
Teach me how to live without the addiction to social media.
Teach me how to live without the fear of life stagnating.
Teach me how to trust in this journey of spirit and the future.
Teach me how to transcend all illness and disease.
Teach me how to trust in a bright future, a future of love.
Teach me how to trust fully.
Teach me how to love and appreciate every moment.
Teach me to always feel sentiment and awe, wonder, bliss, truth, love, peace, vast, infinite space within me and in the people we love.
Teach me the connection with myself I crave for, beyond time and space.
Creator, teach me how to create soulful poetry and music and express my soul song in life.
To draw inspiration from the inside and to close off from the distraction of the outside.
Teach me how to live like the moving piece of art that sings along the path of my soul journey.
Connect me to my source of infinite potential and teach me how to release social media and to be in the public arena as a need.
Teach me how to transcend time and to master time.
Teach me how to create like you create godly love.
Teach me how to be the master and Creator of the life of the wildest self that dares to live authentically.
Teach me how to create and balance life and play.
Teach me how to have fun, be balanced and feel love for life, with life and as life.
Teach me how to connect to the true divine reality.
Teach me how to feel all is divine.
Teach me how to feel all is love.
Teach me to know to cherish all as God (love).
Teach my illusory ego-mind the science of mind.
Teach me how to feel and embody the "I am the lover of my life".
Teach me how to embody higher values and virtues beyond the belief of love.
I command love to conquer all.
I command love to liberate all.
I know how to know and believe in divine love.
I believe and feel the supreme love.
I know how to fully trust love.
I am the lover of my destiny.
I am the artist of my destiny.
I listen to the call easily.
I love the ritual of devotion to self, and I commit to my growth no matter what.
I choose to love.
I choose hope.
I choose soul.
Teach me how to own and express my true blueprinted voice.
Teach me how to remember my soul signature and vibration.
Teach me how to master myself and master raising standards.
Teach me how to feel my vibration and get to know me without expectation.
Teach me who I am as a soul.
Teach me how to forgive myself for egotistical behaviours of the past.
Teach me how to transmute the ego to holy love.
Teach me how to live simply for love's sake.
Teach me how to enjoy every breath I take.
Teach me how to trust in my day as divine.
Teach me how to trust in variety and radical change.
Teach me how to nourish my life.
Teach me how to feel joy and myself expression always.
Teach me how to activate and lead as my inner god/goddess.
Teach me how to love and initiate myself moment by moment.
Teach me who I am not.
Teach me how to embody - I accept myself as sacred.
I am the iconic sacred vessel.
I know how to birth into existence my creations with ease and hyper consciousness.
I am inherently intuitive and gifted with many talents.
I know how to realise my authentic self and radiate my unique expression into life.
I know how to accept myself as sacred.
I know how to be the one that activates my divinity.
I know how to claim my beauty.
I know how to claim my wisdom.
I know how to claim my power.
I know how to claim my creativity and intuition.
I know how to claim my sexuality as precious.
I know how to live my daily life as a goddess, a sacred woman, a sensual yogini.
I know how to allow myself to be loved, appreciated, respected and honoured.
I know how to open my heart to the Universe.
I know how to align and recognise my magnificence.
I radiate my unique, authentic self, and I know how to experience brilliance reflected back to me.
I know how to experience abundant relationships and opportunities.
I know how to recognise I am deeply supported and cared for.
I know how to relax and open myself to more blessings, miracles,
sensuality, more pleasure, and more aliveness in her body.
I know how to feel appreciated, satisfied and ignited by all of creation.
I know how to feel gratitude from my heart and into the infinite Universe.
I know how to shine with so much love and fuel my physical body to expand into higher realms of magnificence.
I know how to align to my unique truth and merge with life.
I know how to devote myself to All That Is.
I know how to unite with All That Is and combine the power to create with all of life moving through me.
I am the star of the life lived of joy.
I know how to remember where I came from and who I am, from the original real self.
I know how to connect to my inner starlight.
I know how to connect and express the Holy Spirit within.
I know how to express my true spirit and listen from silence and stillness.
I know how to close my eyes and listen.
I know how to be the poet of my life and tongue.
I live my daily life as the expression of my inner divine genius.
I have the genius tongue to heal instantly.
I know the genius tongue to collapse falsity instantly.
I know how to connect, activate, ignite and embody my inner poet, and I know how to master my soul's art.
I know how to be the poet of my destiny and love.
I know how to be the passion of my life.
I know how to devote my life to love.
I know how to create art.
I know how to dance my life into pure divine expression.
I know how to feel appreciated every moment I breathe.
I know how to feel satisfied and grateful every moment I shine.
I know how to live my daily life gratefully.
I know how to create soulful music as my life is the symphony.
I know how to love every minute of life.
I know how to feel connected to starlight, magic and pure expression of the heart.
I know how to imagine and dream beyond the mental and emotional body.
I dream source.
I know how to be at one with the infinite Universe within my essence.
I know how to fuel my body with glow and expand into higher realms of magnificence.
I know how to learn and trust that every experience is an opportunity to embrace the infinite ways that love can express itself as reality.
I know how to manifest bliss in my life.
I know how to activate and live my daily gifts of intuition and healing.
I know how to blossom.
I know how to transcend.
I know how to allow genius to lead the way.
I trust my intuition, and I know how to create and trust abundance.
I know how to relate to others effortlessly.
I know how to allow opportunities to be available.
I know how to feel perfection from the universal perspective.
I know how to activate my psychic gifts, and I know how to be one with the mystery and source of All That Is.
I know how to live without feeling alone, knowing I commune with everything always.
I know how to communicate with my body as the Goddess of my world.
I am fearless and free.
I am tender and beautiful.
I am divine and masterful as the magician and lover.
I know how to cherish my body as a divine temple.
I am the Goddess of the holy space with all that is.
I know how to create my reality with ease.
I know how to connect with my divine self when socialising.
I know how to love all fractals of love.
I know how to love my own reflection and let go, let grow and let God.
I know how to love my own shadow code and transform it into genius.
I know how to live my daily life as the holy temple.
I know how to live life, and my passion is unlocked from my cells.
I discover myself as powerful and sensual.
I am alive with life, and I command more love within to give and give.
I know how to honour my inner feminine soul, and I command the frequency of self-nourishment.
I know how to live without feeling lonely on the god/goddess journey.
I know how to live without feeling weighed with too many responsibilities for caring for others.
I know how to create time for myself through silence.
I know how to care for myself and receive more care.
I know how to activate curiosity to guide me through the labyrinth.
I know how to help others realise what I have realised.
I know how to understand my feminine Side and her needs.
I know how to live without feeling confused.
I know how to appreciate my journey as a woman/man.
I know how to feel gratitude for myself.
I know how to celebrate my gifts and victories.
I am the victor, no longer the victim.
I know how to fully realise my gifts of love.
I know how to activate my radiant goddess self.
I know how to allow more of my inner self to flourish.
I know how to relax.
I know how to understand my timeline as I explore my girl, maidan, mother, wise woman and Goddess.
I know how to connect myself to my goddess self.
I know how to connect to my inner girl. With the movement of the girl, I realise innocence discover purity and love for the world.
I know how to connect with the flowers, leaves, birds and colours. I feel the heaven that exists in life.
I know how to giggle and be happy; I know how to learn radiance and joy.
I know how to have healing light move through me when I first experienced my period.
I know how to process my feelings and world during transitions. I know how to connect with a deeper sense of self.
I know how to activate my intuition and live intuitively.
I know how to know and observe more. I know how to be aware of my inner self and female body. ,
I know how to feel sensual, juicy, succulent and wild.
I am a sexual being, and I know how to express my sexual feelings.
I know how to be touched and be held.
I know how to dream, be admired and loved.
I know how to be artistic.
I know how to live my life as pure art.
I know how to love my art and master my ability to create art.
I know how to feel secure in my creation.
I know how to love my creations.
I know how to succeed as a creative artist.
I know how to live feminine and expressive as art.
I know how to contribute to art, beauty and life.
I know the science of art, music, medicine, life, mind and time.
I know how to fantasise with the Creator's definition.
I know how to feel a deep reverence for all of life.
I am resourceful and supported by wholeness.
I am the catalyst in my life.
As a catalyst, in create now. I can create now.
I am ready for a life stream on my own terms.
The truth is I am ready and deserving to be seen.
In the emptiness there is no light and shadow.
I speak from truth.
I am willing to submit to genius in conversations.
I am willing to say what is.
I am empty of all content, all the info and neutral in my inner truth.
I am emptied out of the conditioning and addiction to questioning myself self.
Trust your inner genius that will blow your own mind.
I step into my power of activation.
I know who I am without low standards and leaking my energy by needing recognition or living out of integrity with my core self.
I snap out of the bond I have with my shadow.
I know how to cross the threshold.
I know how to hold the tension I feel and alchemise it through the present moment.