Say YES to this energetic balance on GLORY, SPLENDOR & AWAKENING YOUR INNER LIGHT.
January 10, 2023
2 min read

Say YES to this energetic balance on GLORY, SPLENDOR & AWAKENING YOUR INNER LIGHT.
I know how to feel glorious, from the creators perspective.
I know how to live my daily life feeling the vibration of glory in my bones and muscles.
I know how to feel I am the glory of god/the creator/All That Is.
I am loved and feel valued, worthy and accepted as I am.
I know how to live without needing external approval to feel glory.
I know how to wake up every morning feeling like I’ve awakened to a glorious day.
I know how to honour the god within me by recognising my inheritance of glory.
I know how to feel infinitely worthy from the creators perspective.
I know how to see, feel, know, breathe, hear and listen to the frequencies of all that is glorious in my daily life.
I know how to embody my truth, feel safe in that embodiment and know how to live without feeling pressures of external expectations.
I am glory.
I am splendour.
I am beautiful as I am.
I recognise the beauty of my animal self, my human self and spiritual self.
I know how to appreciate myself from the creators perspective.
I know how to live without self criticism, self rejection, self doubt and self blame.
I see glory in all people and things.
I see and feel god/All That Is, in all things.
I know how to feel balanced in all my being and safe in expanding into my divine life purpose and soul mission.
I am balanced in self expression, communication with the outside world and inner world.
I feel and know how to feel one with all that is daily.
I am like the sun, radiating light and love every I go, inside and out, knowing how to preserve my life force easily.
I know how to appreciate my ancestors and acknowledge their journey to freedom and opportunity.
Lisa @ Soul Centred Kinesiology #soulcentredkinesiology