Say YES to this energy balance on Social Anxiety, Social Awkward-ness, feeling blocked in vulnerability, feeling over exposed, lack in confidence and low self esteem when communicating, connecting, expressing, exchanging, and bonding with the other.
I know how to self validate from inside out.
I know how to live without hesitating on what I want to say and how I say it.
I know how to feel accepted and confident in my self expression with ease.
I know how to release trauma from my voice, throat chakra, brain and cerebellum from past and past lives.
I know how to articulate words well and I know how to organised my thoughts and expression so that I express myself with words that add value to all interactions, engagements and exchanges.
It’s safe to be myself and I feel free to be myself.
I know how to express myself authentically and I am authentically expressive.
I know how to be a great listener and respond with rapport and care.
I know how to live without feeling inferior or superior to others.
I know how to live without the trauma of needing approval from others.
I know how to feel safe in claiming space. I am worthy of taking space and recieving energy and love from inside and outside.
I am authentic.
I am socially accepted.
I know how to live without judging myself in social interactions and assuming others are judging me.
I know how to live without anxiety and fear of other peoples criticism.
I know how to live without critiquing myself.
I know how to clear the trauma of being taught to comply to societal “norms” and expectations.
I am accepted as unique & different.
I am worthy of acceptance on all levels.
I know who my true self is. I know who I truly am.
I give myself permission to experience pleasure and joy in all social interactions. I give myself permission to be uplifted in all social interactions.
I know the creators perspective on oneness.
I know how to open my heart to true connections that uplift me.
I am clever, charismatic, interesting and what I have to say is important and inspiring- Creators perspective.
I know how to live my daily life connected to my truth.