January 11, 2023
1 min read

Weightless and free,
A new consciousness,
Limitless and pure,
Unfuckwithable, that's what I desire.
No longer bound by the chains of the past,
I let go of all that no longer serves me fast.
I embrace the dark,
And all that it holds,
For within its depths,
My true self unfolds.
I am weightless,
Unburdened and free,
I am limitless,
And all that I can be.
I am unfuckwithable,
Strong and serene,
I am the master,
Of my own destiny.
So come join me,
On this journey within,
To a place of peace,
And infinite win.
Let go of the weight,
And all that does not serve,
Embrace the dark,
And the life that you deserve.
Weightless and free,
Limitless and pure,
That is what I assure.
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