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January 10, 2023 1 min read

A post when I first started the healing journey….


Invoke the healing vibration/power of the Earth. We are the living and breathing cells or microbiome of mother Gaia. ⁣

When invoking, set your intention to ground your energy and heal whatever condition or issue your facing currently. ⁣

Anchor Gaia’s healing vibration by seeing, feeling and experiencing in your minds eye the assistance of earth energy entering in your field and awareness, releasing, centreing and purifying you’re energy for spiritual growth. ⁣

Hold a crystal of choice as you invoke this prayer and allow yourself to see, feel and experience the frequency of that crystal installing positive traits of the crystal in your consciousness. ⁣

When eating foods, look at the metaphysical meaning of that food or the colour your eating and choose to absorb the healing and positive traits of that colour or nutrient in your field. ⁣

With intention and choice you have the ability to program any tool or resource to support your healing journey. ⁣

Allow yourself self inquiry: ask yourself as many questions to really get to the bottom of why your feeling or facing what your facing! ⁣

It usually stems from the spiritual/mental and emotional collective unconscious/ archetypal symbolism. #love #archetypes #earthhealing #earth #mothergaia #spirit #kinesiology #invocation #unconscious

Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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