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July 19, 2022 1 min read

I’m listening to what my clients desire when it comes to their health, self-expression, life and soul work- the work that lights them up. The work that is driven by a deep desire, passion and fire in their guts.

A creation that truly matters and a releasing of what doesn’t matter.

I designed a weightless activation and 8-week program to support mystical soul-preneurs (meaning spiritual coaches, mentors and entrepreneurs who are divinely led to create impact and legacy through their soul work).

The question I have for those who would love to not only experience a body, life and soul expression that is weightless but also embody a weightless consciousness- one where there is zero heaviness in how your life, biz and soul experience, gets to go and be.

You feel weightless when speaking your message on camera.

You feel weightless when living your life experiencing the magic in the mundane. The miraculous in the simplicity of your life.

Your body releases all the physical and emotional weight and you actually love the beauty that you are.

Your weightless when crafting your business. Your weightless when spending time with loved ones. You live construct free and you are led by your icon, the ultimate you in the creativity of expanding your uniqueness into this world.

Link to join the program: https://soulcentredkinesiology.com/pages/weightless


Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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