January 11, 2023
1 min read

Energy Downloads. Energy Balance. Energy Codes. Consciousness Cleanse. Say YES for this energetic transmission and say YES for discernment.
Open heart, Open mind, Open Will to the TRUTH!
Beyond the thinking mind
A field of pure awareness lies
Inner silence and stillness abound
This is the fourth state, profound
As we practice, we may find
Deeper levels of awareness aligned
Cosmic consciousness, the fifth state
Silence of pure consciousness, our fate
God-consciousness, the sixth we see
Our hearts filled with devotion, so carefree
Finally, unity consciousness, the seventh we reach
Identified with all laws, a self that is
boundless, no breach
The highest state of human development we attain
Separation from creation disappears, one unified domain
The full development of heart and mind
In this state, all is intertwined
#divineconsciousness #prosperity #superpowers #alchemist #lightarchetypes #nonduality #oneness #unityconsciousness #wealthconsciousness #prosperityconsciousness #goodfortune #lakshmi #goddesswisdom #goddesspower #unconditionallove #soverignty