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December 16, 2022 1 min read

Feelings downloads & Medicinal codes.

As you read, allow the trance state to release what is coming up for you to let go of.

Remember, there is nothing wrong.

Beyond all judgement and assumptions is a natural unfolding of perfection.

Allow your universal self whisper wisdom within you as to why your going through what your going through. Feel the upliftment in the wisdom codes.

Essentially, it’s time to change.

And sometimes we are encouraged to change in ways that feel uncomfortable.

Look to nature and you will realise how and when nature changes…so do you.


Death & rebirth..

Let yourself feel what needs to be felt.

Delete desperation and clinging in this feeling of the void.

Embrace it.

You are stripping the old identity.

All boundaries are being dissolved.

Seeds of potentiality are growing within you.

Trust this process. Trust the unknown. Trust the shedding. Trust it all.

The doorway is here.

Go through it with no baggage left behind.

Embody compassion right now.

Forgive all those who have wronged you by releasing their the messenger of your unconscious.


Being is your true nature.

#poetry #streamofconsciousness #consciousness #pureswareness #pureconsciousness #letgoletgod #letgoandletgod #letgoletgrow #awakening #heartopening #compassion #thetahealing #theta #medicine #tcm #chinesemedicine #artist #archetypes #ego #surrender #truth #healing #wholistichealth


Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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