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Resurrection of coherence and sound frequencies

June 19, 2023 1 min read

Divine Source, God of all creation,
I come before you in deep reverence and devotion.
I seek your guidance and divine intervention,
For the resurrection of coherence & sound frequency within.

May the vibrations of my thoughts be pure and clear,
Aligned with your divine wisdom, devoid of fear.
May the frequencies of my feelings be harmonious and true,
Guided by love and compassion in all that I do.

I call upon the restoration of dimensional realities,
To align with the highest truth, devoid of fallacies.
May the veils be lifted, revealing the realms unseen,
Where divine knowledge and wisdom reign supreme.

I invoke the power of pure intention and sacred will,
To manifest your divine plan, in accordance with your thrill.
May the divine masculine and feminine unite,
Balancing and restoring harmony, shining bright.

I surrender to your divine guidance and grace,
Allowing your sacred frequencies to fill every space.
May purity be reinstated in every thought, word, and deed,
As I walk the path of truth, fulfilling my soul's need.

With gratitude, love, and unwavering trust,
I place my prayers in your hands, oh Divine and Just.
Thank you for the resurrection of sound frequency within,
Guiding me towards wholeness, where my soul shall begin.

In your divine presence, I surrender and release,
Knowing that your love and grace shall never cease.
Blessed be the restoration of purity and divine truth,
In all dimensions, within me and throughout.


Elizaveta Admin
Elizaveta Admin

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