The Artist is the kind of woman who sees the world less as a set of rules and more as an elaborate canvas.
She is the woman who leaves her mark on her existence, not simply through the act of living, but through the way she lives it. Her life is her work of art and to her every moment is an opportunity to express herself.
This archetype naturally calls to women who are exceptionally creative. If you find yourself constantly coming up with new ideas or projects that you want to start, or if you’re always looking for ways to make your life more beautiful, then you can benefit from this sacred archetypes medicine.
This archetype can have a very positive impact on your life if you choose to embrace its wisdom.
In doing so you’ll begin to see opportunities everywhere.
Suddenly your entire life becomes a source of the divine and every experience can be used by your creativity as fuel for your next project.
You may also find that working with this archetype gives you a greater sense of purpose because your actions will be guided by your desire to create something extraordinary.
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