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February 17, 2022 1 min read

It's time... Lovers (Sound on)
It's time to let go of the meaning you ascribe to everything, like the Alchemist.
It's time to be curious and observe without believing that you know what is happening or why as the Liberator.
It's time for your mind to stop chasing after why things are happening and take the ride, dear Sage.
It's time to be your true self.
You don't need your mind to catch up with the truth; you can allow your mind to be taken over by the Mystic.
Your mind is not more powerful than the universe. Your mind and the universe are one.
You can let go of all your stories, beliefs, and meanings because none of them is necessary. You can be open and allow the inner universe to illuminate your innate wisdom.
Enrol now to enter the gateway to your Genius Retreat & Membership. Let your inner genius make the choice for you: https://soulcentredportal.mn.co/courses/6308728/feed?autojoin=1
We commence from the 5th of March.
This is an intimate and activating container for the medicine woman/man to master their unique inner medicine codes, activation, current & channel from power and pure frequency.  Link for non members:  https://soulcentredportal.mn.co/plans/191281?bundle_token=252983c963c42515a2f3fc385010d840&utm_source=manual
Elizaveta Admin
Elizaveta Admin

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