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June 14, 2022 2 min read

Channeled Rest Downloads & Meridian Balance: Say YES to receive this energy clearing in the most loving and easy way.

I feel balanced in rest and activity.
I know how to eliminate waste mind body and soul easily and I have a balanced, flowing lymphatic and circulatory system.
I know my unique strategy in managing stress
I know how to breathe from my belly and whole body easily
I know how to feel mentally, emotionally, spiritually and physically rested.
I know what rest means to me and I understand my higher self perspective on rest.
I know how to sleep from the creators definition
I allow an instant healing on sleep, falling asleep and waking up refreshed
I understand the programming of my past and empower myself to make choices that allow a kidney and bladder meridian balance.
I know how to rest from the creators perspective
I give myself permission to rest and I know how to honour my body when signalling rest
I know how to feel rested and energised
I know how to feel rest assured always
I know how to feel rested and refreshed always.
It’s easy for me to rest and I know how to feel reverence for all of life.
I know how to give my masculine energy to rest.
I know how to allow my feminine energy to rest.
I know how to honour my rest reset and rejuvenation centres.
I know how to purify my energy with rest.
I know how to stop, rest and relax when needed.
I know how to feel settled and well rested.
I am able to rest. I am capable of rest. I know how to let go with ease the habit of over-thinking, over-accomplishing, “over-doing it”.
I know how to release all surrogated energies of being restless and I know how to find my unique inner balance.
I am now impervious and unplugged from group consciousness restless energies.
I am now grounded, rested, settled, contented, empowered, connected and creative from the creators definition.
I understand the universal definition and perspective of energy hygiene and I know how to renew my energy body always.
I know what foods and fluids to nourish myself with that stimulate adequate rest.
It is easy to nourish myself with resting foods.
I know how to unplug from group consciousness busy.

Chiara Quebral
Chiara Quebral

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